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Quality of Life Assessment

Assessing Your Pet’s Quality of Life: Using a Quality of Life Scale

Saying goodbye to a beloved companion animal is one of the hardest things anyone living in the greater Frisco, Plano and North Dallas area will ever have to do. It’s a delicate balance that is difficult for anyone to strike. You don’t want your pet to suffer needlessly, of course—no responsible pet owner would—but saying goodbye too early is completely unthinkable.

The fact of the matter is that in times of extreme emotional duress, it’s best to consult an objective, independent voice about when it’s the best time to say goodbye to your furry friend. There are a number of quality of life scales available online for pet owners who are struggling with the decision of whether or not to let their pet cross the Rainbow Bridge in the face of severe illness or injury. Peaceful Pathways For Pets, LLC recommends either of these two quality of life scales.

Quailty Of Life Scale Ohio Quality Of Life Scale

Making the Decision

Using a Pet Quality of Life Scale

Making the Decision

The hardest part of caring for a sick or aging animal, whether a cat, dog, parrot, or ferret, is that your beloved pet can’t communicate with you using words. It can be extremely hard to tell from day to day whether an animal is well or ill, and how they are feeling.

Both of the two scales we linked to above are surveys meant to objectively assess whether or not your pet is experiencing distress or severe complication from their illness or advanced age. Peaceful Pathways For Pets, LLC recommends gathering your family together and looking over the chart together. Talking about the decision to gently end a suffering animal’s life together can make the decision easier, and it can help reluctant family members realize that sometimes, pet euthanasia is in fact the most compassionate choice.

With that in mind, take a look at your animal’s behavior over the last several months. Both scales include helpful lists of behaviors that may indicate a pet is sick, in pain, dehydrated, or having mobility issues—even if those issues weren’t apparent to you before.

If you and your family consult the test and realize that your animal may in fact have a low quality of life according to whichever scale you use, maybe it’s time to consider euthanasia. Euthanasia can provide a gentle and comfortable end of life to a pet who is experiencing severe health issues. It reduces pain and distress for both you and your beloved pet.

It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, of course. But if your pet has more bad days than good days in a month—it may be the most compassionate decision you can make.

Call Peaceful Pathways For Pets, LLC for Help

If you need help deciphering the pet quality of life scale that you’ve chosen, or if you and your family are thinking about sending your pet off to the Rainbow Bridge in a secure and loving environment like your own home, then give Peaceful Pathways For Pets, LLC a call. We’re the premier mobile pet hospice and end of life company working in the greater Frisco, Plano and North Dallas area. For more information, call our number below.